Commemoration (not for sensitive readers)

Apr 30

Ba muoi thang Tu, or the thirtieth of April, is how today is being simply referred to in the Vietnamese community.  It marks 35 years of the fall of Saigon (NOT Ho Chi Minh City, dammit!) to Communism.  It has been 35 years since the following iconic images occurred.

Depictions of fleeing, desperation, brutality, fear.  35 years of this.  It has been 35 years since my parents met, and 35 years since their college education were jeopardized. 

I was born after the napalm settled.  My father did not die escaping by sea, no matter how close he came to that.  I still get to reunite with my father even though 6 years of my childhood was without him.  My entire family is safe, mostly.  I am lucky.  I want to commemorate those who were not.


Mar 02

don’t want to forget today. Today is Tuesday, not quite Hump Day, yet passed the dreaded is-it-really Monday. It has no special alias, just nestled within the week.

But today is very exciting for me, and the below illustration will provide the supporting reasons.

Double Happiness

Feb 12

This Sunday, February 14th, will be the Hallmark day of love...

.....AND the Lunar New Year of the Tiger!  Lots of love, health, happiness and prosperity to everyone!

Holding My Breath

Jan 22

I have exciting news coming up that I cannot disclose just yet because I don’t want to jinx it, but it’s been consuming me so much that I have to let some out before I explode.

Let’s just hope that it comes along with MrKP gifting me one of these beauties from Tiffany’s.  Please wish me luck!

Winter Wonders

Dec 23

Look at how adorable some of the early gifts that I've received already.  A girl can never have enough accessories.

The scarf is from my boss, who bought it during her recent trip to New York.  The flower necklace and Wonder Woman cuffs are from one of my friends' Secret Santa party.  Guess who ended up being my Santa, MrKP, so it wasn't much of a secret.  But he did choose from my wish list, well, he came close but didn't buy the exact items on the list.  Poor thing couldn't tell between the stippled design from the weave design on silver cuffs.  A for effort.

One of my favorite things around the holidays is to receive holiday cards from family and friends, especially ones with photos so I can see what they look like if I don't get to see them often.  The ones below are mainstays on my fridge.

Here is our e-card for this year.  I incorporated pictures from our anniversary trip to Sydney, Australia, as well as our photo shoot.  I really wished I did this for last year as well, since we had some fabulous pictures from our trip to Italy.  Oh well, no card last year, e-card this year, actual mailing card next year!

Click to play this Smilebox greeting: Holiday Card 2009
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Giving Thanks

Nov 25 celebrating this Thanksgiving weekend with my family and MrKP in Vegas.  Itinerary as follows:

Today, get to leave early at work (paid!)  Then all night of this:



Homeward bound, relax, then:

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving will be just as wonderful!


Oct 06

On Wednesday, 09/23, thoughtful Rachael pulled together a little surprise celebration during Happy Hour in honor of the day fabulous Miss Jess was born.  I like the sound of the word "fabulous" before her name, very fitting.

Rachael managed to round up Claire, Aline, Courtney and me to meet up beforehand at Claim Jumper in South Coast Plaza so that Erin could saunter in with the birthday girl at 6:30pm.  Jessica decided that a huge pretzel will complete her birthday, and I learned about the hideousness that is Ed Hardy's clothing (thanks Courtney!)

Aline made this fabulous cake (from scratch!) to complement Jessica's fabulousness, but sadly, I could only manage to take one picture from my dying point & shoot camera.  I know that because from where I was sitting, the picture captured an awkward angle of Jess as well as the cake, but doesn't Jess look radiant?  HOPE YOU HAD AN AWESOME BIRTHDAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR, JESSICA!!

And just in case you still haven't figured it out yet, the title of this post stood for Happy Hour Get-Together Birthday.  I learned most of these acronyms when I first associated with these girls.

Welcome Autumn

Oct 01

Even though it is still around 80 degrees in Southern California, I am ready for fall.  More importantly, ready for fall fashion.  It's my favorite season to dress, layering is key.  Here are a few staples that I'm looking forward to seeing them in my closet.

Fully-clothed from Victoria's Secret:

Classics with a twist from the J Crew collection:

Cannot have enough of these from Urban Outfitters:

Found these beauties at Etsy, Forever 21 and Bambako, from left to right:

And to finally show off the yummy boots that I snatched up from our Italy trip last year!

Presents and Portraits

Sep 24

The last batch from BabyMama's Baby Shower will consist of notable gifts and adorable portraits.

My clothesline gift

IOUs from the LA girls


When you see a Paul Frank print... know WeeMo had something to do with it.  **EDIT** It turns out that FGD was the mastermind behind the awesome Paul Frank diaper bag.  I'm sure WeeMo provided inspiration.

Bumbo.  Missing from the pack of notable gifts is Tiny Diner since it inspired Ashley to concoct an entire rendition of baby feeding to the tune of Tiny Dancer.  Genius.

Hostess gifts

Cute booties on the yummy cake

Gorgeous gals!

Seriously, a glow was emitting from these 2 hot mamas.

The entire clan, photographed by Hubby-of-the-day, Claire's.

Games and Guests

Sep 24

BabyMama's Baby Shower Part II!  Recap of some activities that went down:

I love the contrast between the animated energy between Wan talking to R and Jess reclining state.  Jess looks ethereal here.

WeeMo showing off her handiwork in decorating the memento picture frame

Closeup, complete with accompanying scribbles of French sound "Honh honh"

"Guess the Famous Mom" game, who ended up with this trainwreck of pseudo famous mom?

None other than the bootylicious R (please don't kill me for posting this pic!)

"Baby Shower Bingo", tater was beyond excited about winning.  She's so darn cute!

Guests in attendance:

Guests interacting:

WeeMo didn't get the green memo (that rhymes!)

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