On Wednesday, 09/23, thoughtful Rachael pulled together a little surprise celebration during Happy Hour in honor of the day fabulous Miss Jess was born.  I like the sound of the word "fabulous" before her name, very fitting.

Rachael managed to round up Claire, Aline, Courtney and me to meet up beforehand at Claim Jumper in South Coast Plaza so that Erin could saunter in with the birthday girl at 6:30pm.  Jessica decided that a huge pretzel will complete her birthday, and I learned about the hideousness that is Ed Hardy's clothing (thanks Courtney!)

Aline made this fabulous cake (from scratch!) to complement Jessica's fabulousness, but sadly, I could only manage to take one picture from my dying point & shoot camera.  I know that because from where I was sitting, the picture captured an awkward angle of Jess as well as the cake, but doesn't Jess look radiant?  HOPE YOU HAD AN AWESOME BIRTHDAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR, JESSICA!!

And just in case you still haven't figured it out yet, the title of this post stood for Happy Hour Get-Together Birthday.  I learned most of these acronyms when I first associated with these girls.


weezermonkey said...

Cute! Jessica, not Ed Hardy.

Jessica Love said...

Haha...I like that funky angle!

Thank you so much for celebrating with me!!

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