
don’t want to forget today. Today is Tuesday, not quite Hump Day, yet passed the dreaded is-it-really Monday. It has no special alias, just nestled within the week.

But today is very exciting for me, and the below illustration will provide the supporting reasons.


Feminist Gold Digger said...


dapotato said...

congrats on everything! so many good things!

10yearstogether said...

Great news!!! Can't wait to hear the follow ups! I've missed you KP!


hey katie! i so did not know you have a blog! totally gonna follow you now too! thanks for the tips but i'm still new with my blog so i have no idea on how to make the header rotate with my pics hehe. maybe you can tell me how to do that :)

by the way, i love your blog design! so custom. i'm not that good so having a template is good for me for now! hehe

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