Welcome Autumn

Oct 01

Even though it is still around 80 degrees in Southern California, I am ready for fall.  More importantly, ready for fall fashion.  It's my favorite season to dress, layering is key.  Here are a few staples that I'm looking forward to seeing them in my closet.

Fully-clothed from Victoria's Secret:

Classics with a twist from the J Crew collection:

Cannot have enough of these from Urban Outfitters:

Found these beauties at Etsy, Forever 21 and Bambako, from left to right:

And to finally show off the yummy boots that I snatched up from our Italy trip last year!


That Girl said...

The feathered headband is SO you!

Feminist Gold Digger said...

I detest hot summer weather in what is supposed to be fall! Those boots from Italy are awesome.

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